Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Four best success skills in learning in school, outside and beyond

Success skills in school and learning fall in different categories such as: study skills, organization, environment, etc. In this post I will develop four important skills for success in learning and one to avoid.

1. Study skills

Success in study require the ability to use some skills to master the subject. These skills are related to some reading and study techniques. Reading skills are important for success in study. Reading begins before study. In the reading phase some techniques are used such as previewing, skimming, scanning, etc, In the previewing phase one seeks to get a panoramic view of the material without reading the details. One looks at the title, headings, subheadings, pictures of a single piece of the study material. Then one reads the introduction, the first sentence of each paragraph and the conclusion. These techniques are not easy to use especially when one is accustomed in reading line by line. In acquiring the general view one can sketch an outline with the main points of the subject. Once one has finished with the general view one starts by reading the full text. This reading is active since it involves different activities such as outlining important details, thinking, reflecting, etc. The last phase consists in memorizing the important details of the subject.

2. Organization

A calendar is important in order to find time to study. Everyone in school or not has different daily activities. It is important to schedule these activities in order to find time for study, If you are a student in grade school or at the university your time is divided in different blocks of activities, Classes  take the majority of the time in school. Extra curricular activities and social events are also included in the school time. There are also personal activities outside the school. For adults who are in school they are very busy and share their time between work, personal activities and family responsibilities. One can use online calendars such as Google calendar to manage time for different activities. There are also some apps for reminders such as Google keep to remind about different activities. Students can use these reminders or hard and computer sticky notes to remind about textbook pages, assignments, etc. Google keep can also be used to take some notes.

3. Disconnection

Disconnect from the internet is the most difficult thing to do since the internet is also used for classwork. In addition one is addicted to social medias, emails and text messages. One has to set the rule that when it's time to study one has to avoid logging in these things. One can set a time for study and another time for the internet to avoid doing both at the same time.

4. Environment

Finding one's convenient environment is important. There are two elements in the environments: the place to study itself and the absence or not of complete quietness. A quite place such as the library or home place reserved especially for study is important. One should avoid to be bothered by other people, telephone, television, etc. If other people are doing other activities that prevent you  from concentrating while you are studying this can distract you. If they ask you to do some things you lose time in your study. It doesn't mean that you can't interrupt your study to do some important things for someone else. But these things have to be really important and you are the sole person who can help in time and place. Some people like to learn while they listen to music, Others prefer not, The choice depends on your preferences. You can't study while watching the television, answering phones, sending text messages and logging in social medias. You decrease considerably the time dedicated to study and your concentration when you study and do these things at the same time. Observe the Ecclesiastes principle that says there is a time for each thing.

5. Cramming

Cramming is the process of studying material that one hasn't studied before an examination. Study should be a daily activity. It extends over a certain period of time if one wants to master the material. It involves also constant reviewing. Mastering a certain amount of materials that one hasn't had the opportunity to digest during times where the study of materials is allotted can be hard to do. This requires the display of a considerable amount of energy and can lead to exhaustion.

New  Direction Education Services provide tutoring for students from 4th grade to college in Math, ESL, French, Spanish. It provides private lessons in Math, ESL and French for adults. Interested in these services email New Direction Education services at or call (617)934-5621. For more info, visit New Direction Services at


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