Monday, March 4, 2019

Integrating the power of secants and tangents

In this post you are going to learn how to integrate the power of secant and tangent. There are some formulas that allow to calculate these powers. Before to learn these formulas let's learn first the formulas to integrate the secant and tangent.

Formulas to integrate the function tangent and secant

You learn first the expression of tangent since if you know its integral it is easy to know the integral of secant. The integral of each of these functions has the function ln, sec.

The integral of tangent is an expression of secant

∫tanx = ln❘secx❘ + C

The integral of secant is an expression of sec and tangent. We just add tangent between the absolute bars.from the integral of tanx

∫secx = ln❘secx + tanx❘ + C

N.B. These formulas can be demonstrated but the demonstration is not done here.

Formulas to integrate the power of tangent and secant

Integral of the power of secant

The integral of the power of secant is made of two terms. The first term is a quotient. The second term is the product of a constant by the integral of secant. We are going to learn the formula according to the following steps:

1. The numerator of the quotient and the and the second part of the integral are the same. It is obtained by decreasing the exponent of secx by 2.

∫secⁿ x = secⁿ⁻²x +  ∫secⁿ⁻²x

2. The denominator of the first quotient is obtained by taking only the exponent n and decreasing it by 1

∫secⁿ x = secⁿ⁻²x/n-1 +  ∫secⁿ⁻²x

3. In the first term we take the quotient of the exponent (n-2) of secx and the denominator (n-1). We then obtain the quotient before the integral

∫secⁿ x = secⁿ⁻²x/n-1 + n-2/n-1  ∫secⁿ⁻²x. This is the formula of the integral of the power of secant. We just learn how to memorize  the formula.

Example. Calculate the integral  ∫sec³x

We apply the formula ∫secⁿ x = secⁿ⁻²x/n-1 + n-2/n-1  ∫secⁿ⁻²x.

We substitute n by 3:

  ∫sec³x =  sec³⁻²x/3-1 + 3-2/3-1  ∫sec³⁻²x.

            =   secx/2 + 1/2 ∫secx
            =  1/2secx +ln ❘secx + tanx❘ + C

Integral of the power of tangent

The integral of the power of tangent is given by the formula: ∫ tanⁿxdx = tanⁿ⁻ⁱx/n-1- ∫tanⁿ⁻²xdx

 Example. Solve ∫tan⁵xdx

∫tan⁵xdx = tan⁴x/4 - ∫ tan³xdx

 Let's calculate ∫ tan³xdx:

∫ tan³xdx = tan²x/2 - ∫ tanxdx
              =    tan²x/2 - ln|secx| + C
              =    tan²x/2 + ln|cosx| + C

Let's substitute  tan³xdx:

∫tan⁵xdx = tan⁴x/4 - tan²x/2 - ln|cosx| + C



1) ∫ sec⁵xdx
2)  ∫tan³xdx

Interested in learning more about Calculus visit Center for Integral Development
For private tutoring visit New Direction Education Services


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