Thursday, May 2, 2019

The definite integral and its properties


  1. Define the definite integral
  2. Evaluate the definite integral
  3. List the properties of definite integrals


Referring to the post: An approach to calculate the area under curve: the definite integral, we define the area under the curve between x₀ and x₄ by:

This expression represents the integral of the function between  x₀ and x₄. We can replace these values by a and b.We have :

Method to evaluate definite integrals

We are going to use a practical method discovered by Newton to evaluate definite integrals. This method uses antiderivatives for the evaluation of definite integrals.


Properties of definite integrals


Solve the definite integrals:



Practice. Use antiderivatives to calculate the following definite integrals:

Interested in learning more about definite integrals visit Center for Integral Development

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